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长期从事生物杀菌剂产品创制及生物防治应用技术研究,重点以链霉菌次级代谢产物为研究对象,探索生物合成调控机理、优化发酵条件及产品加工工艺,建立生物农药配套使用技术规程,为蔬菜病害绿色防控提供产品和技术支持。发表论文30余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials,Plant Disease,Frontiers in Microbiology,Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems,Microorganisms,BMC Microbiology,Applied in Microbiology and Biotechnology,Biological Control等刊物发表SCI论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利15项。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、国家外专局引智示范推广项目、中央级科研院所基本科研业务费项目、广西科技重大专项课题、国际杰出青年科学家来华工作计划等20余项;参加公益性行业(农业)专项、863、中韩“生物农药研究与应用”等科研项目的研究工作。





1. Xie Jiabei#,  Adi Wicaksono Wisnu#,  Lv Zhaoyang, Berg Gabriele, Cernava Tomislav*, and Ge Beibei *.Rhizosphere bacteria show a stronger response to antibiotic-based biopesticide than to conventional pesticides. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2023, 458, 132035.  (IF, 14.224)

2. Yang Miaoling, Zhang Wei, Lv Zhaoyang, Shi Liming, Zhang Kecheng, Ge Beibei*. Biocontrol of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by inducing defense response in soybean using wuyiencin produced by Streptomyces albulus CK-15. Plant Disease, 2023,107(1):107-115.

3. Yu Wah Thein#,  Shi Liming#,  Liu Binghua,  Wei Qiuhe,  Zhang Kecheng,  Ge Beibei*. Enhancing wuyiencin productivity of Streptomyces albulus (CK15) by mutagenesis breeding with atmospheric and room temperature plasma. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023,39: 202

4. Yang Miaoling#, Han Xiaoqing#, Xie Jiabei, Zhang shangqing, Lv Zhaoyang, Shi Liming, Zhang Kecheng, Ge Beibei*. Field application of Wuyiencin against Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Soybean. Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems, 2022, 6, 930079.

5. Lv Zhaoyang, Lu Yanxuan, Li Boya, Shi Liming, Zhang Kecheng, Ge Beibei*. Effects of "-Poly-L-Lysine Combined with Wuyiencin as a Bio-Fungicide against  Botryris cinerea. Microorganisms, 2022, 10, 971.

6. Binghua Liu, Qiuhe Wei, Miaoling Yang, Liming Shi, Kecheng Zhang,Beibei Ge*. Effect of  toyF  on wuyiencin and toyocamycin production by  Streptomyces albulus  CK-15. World Journal of  Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2022, 38: 65.

7. Yang, Miaoling, Zhang Wei, Lv Zhaoyang, Shi Liming, Zhang Kecheng, Ge Beibei*. Evaluation of the inhibitory effects of Wuyiencin,a secondary metabolite of  Streptomyces albulus  CK-15, against  Sclerotinia sclerotiorum  in vitro. Plant Disease, 2022, 106(1): 156-164.

8. Yang Miaoling #, Wei Qiuhe #, Shi Liming, Zhang Wei, Lv Zhaoyang, Noreen Asim, Zhang Kecheng, Ge Beibei*. Wuyiencin produced by  Streptomyces albulus  CK-15 displays biocontrol activities against cucumber powdery mildew. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2021, 131: 2957-2970.

9. Wei Qiuhe #, Aung Ayme #, Liu Binghua, Ma Jinjin, Shi Liming, Zhang Kecheng, Ge Beibei *. Overexpression of  wysR  gene enhances wuyiencin biosynthesis in ΔwysR3 mutant strain from  Streptomyces wuyiensis  CK-15. Journal of Applied Microbiology , 2020 , 129(3):565-574.

10. Shi Liming, Liu Binghua, Wei Qiuhe, Ge Beibei*, Zhang Kecheng*. Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of the response of  Botrytis cinerea  to wuyiencin. Plos one, 2020, 15(4): e0224643.

11. Ei Mon Myo, Liu Binghua, Ma Jinjin, Shi Liming, Jiang Mingguo, Zhang Kecheng, Ge Beibei*. Evaluation of   Bacillus velezensis  NKG-2 for bio-control activities against fungal disease and potential plant growth promotion. Biological Control, 2019, 134: 23-31

12. Ei Mon Myo#, Ge Beibei#, Ma Jinjin,Cui Hailan, Shi Liming, Jiang Mingguo, Zhang Kecheng*. Indole-3-acetic acid production by  Streptomyces fradiae  NKZ-259 and its formulation to enhance plant growth. BMC Micriobiology,  2019, 19: 155.

13. Liu Binghua#, Ge Beibei#, Ma jinjin, Wei Qiuhe, Abid Ali Khan, Shi Liming, Zhang Kecheng*. 2018. Identification of  wysPII  as an Activator of Morphological Development in  Streptomyces albulus  CK-15. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9: 02550.

14. Ge Beibei#, Liu Yan#, Liu Binghua, Zhao Wenjun, Zhang Kecheng. Characterization of novel DeoR-family member from  Streptomyces ahygroscopicus  strain CK-15 that acts as a repressor of morphological development. Applied microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100: 8819-8828.

15. Ge Beibei, Liu Binghua, Thinn Thinn Nwet, Zhao Wenjun, Shi Liming, Zhang Kecheng.  Bacillus methylotrophicus  strain NKG-1, Isolated from Changbai Mountain, China, has Potential Applications as a Biofertilizer or Biocontrol Agent. 2016, Plos one, 11(11) :e0166079.

16. Ge Beibei, Cheng Yan, Liu Yan, Liu Binghua, Zhang Kecheng. Biological control of   Botrytis cinerea  on tomato plants using  Streptomyces ahygroscopicus  strain CK-15. Letter in applied microbiology, 2015, 61, 596-602.

 17. 何亚文, 李广悦,谭红,康前进,葛蓓孛,赵杨扬,张克诚,蒋细良,刘凤权,李亚宁,张红艳,白林泉,向文胜,邱德文,杨自文,邓子新. 我国生防微生物代谢产物研发应用进展与展望. 2022,38(3):537-548.

18. 葛蓓孛,施李鸣,张维,杨淼泠,吕朝阳,张克诚*. 武夷菌素产品的创制与应用. 中国生物防治学报,2021, 37(4):655-659.

19. 葛蓓孛, 刘炳花, 赵文珺, 麻金金, 施李鸣, 张克诚. 武夷菌素高产菌株选育及应用研究进展. 中国生物防治学报, 2017, 33 (6): 767-773.

20. 葛蓓孛, 王家旺, 刘彦彦, 刘炳花, Park Kyungseok, Park Yongsoon, 张克诚.武夷菌素高产基因工程菌发酵培养基的优化. 中国生物防治学报, 2016, 32 (5): 1-8.