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长期从事气候变化对昆虫的影响及昆虫对气候变化的适应机制研究以及害虫绿色防控技术的研究。代表性研究:1) 揭示了气候变化下小菜蛾越冬分布以及与抗药性进化的关系。通过全国12个地点的田间和室内模型越冬试验构建了小菜蛾越冬模型,预测了我国和全球越冬分布。通过全球抗药性分析,发现气候变化通过扩展越冬区域促进抗药性发展。相关成果发表在领域顶级期刊Nature Communications (IF=14.9)上并被推选为精选论文(Featured Article)。2)果树害虫识别与农药减量化防控技术。针对果树健康问题多诊断难的问题,构建了病虫,生理问题、药害及气象灾害的图库、知识库、数据库,开发了引导式图文检索果树健康诊断系统。针对果树传统上单种病虫防治带来的施药种类多,施药次数多的问题,通过监测单种病虫害发生动态,确定多病虫同步防治窗口期,基于药剂药理和药效,研究出基于窗口期的桃园多病虫同步防治核心减药技术。

主持和承担国家自然基金、中国博士后基金、国家重点研发项目、国家葡萄产业技术体系等项目20项;在Nature Communications、Journal of Animal Ecology、Oikos、Oecologia、Scientific Reports等杂志发表论文20篇,参编著作1部,获得软件著作权1项。



Ma, C.S. *, Zhang, W.*, Peng, Y., Zhao, F., Chang, X.Q., Xing, K., Zhu, L., Ma, G., Yang, H.P., Rudolf, V.H.W. (2021) Climate warming promotes pesticide resistance through expanding overwintering range of a global pest. Nature Communications, 12: 5351.

Chen, Y.Y.#, Zhang, W. #, Ma, G., Ma, C.S. (2019) More stressful event does not always depress subsequent life performance. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18: 2321-2329.

Zhang, W., Rudolf, V.H.W., Ma, C.S. (2015) Stage-specific heat effects: Timing and duration of heat waves alter demographic rates of a global insect pest. Oecologia, 179: 947–957.

Zhang, W. #, Chang, X.Q. #, Hoffmann, A.A., Zhang S., Ma, C.S. (2015) Impact of hot events at different developmental stages of a moth: the closer to adult stage, the less reproductive output. Scientific Reports, 5: 10436. (*共同第一作者)

Liang, L.N. #, Zhang W. #, Ma, G, Hoffmann A.A., Ma, C.S. (2014) A single hot event stimulates adult performance but reduces egg survival in the oriental fruit moth, Grapholitha molesta. PLoS ONE, 9: e116339.

Zhang, W., Zhao, F., Hoffmann, A.A., Ma, C.S. (2013) A single hot event that does not affect survival but decreases reproduction in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. PLoS ONE, 8: e75923.

Ma, C.S., Wang, L., Zhang, W., Rudolf, V.H.W. (2017) Resolving biological impacts of multiple heat waves: interaction of hot and recovery days. Oikos, 127: 622-633.