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马春森,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所研究员,昆虫生态学和预测专家,果树害虫研究组组长,现代农业技术产业体系葡萄虫害防控岗位科学家,国家植保数据中心常务副主任, 博士生导师。1983年于山西农业大学获农学学士学位,1989年于中国农业科学院研究生院获农学硕士学位,19962000年于德国汉诺威大学攻读博士并获园艺学博士学位。现兼中国昆虫学会理事;中国植物保护学会病虫测报专业委员会 副主任委员;中国植物保护学会葡萄病虫害防治专业委员会 副主任委员;中国植物保护学会植保系统工程专业委员会 委员;山西省昆虫学会 荣誉理事。

在国际上率先开展气候变化下害虫种群动态及其预测技术研究,开拓了昆虫气候变化生物学领域的技术路线和研究方法,取得了重要进展,发展了气候变化生态学理论。创建了害虫气候变化生物学和果树害虫实验室,揭示了害虫对气候变化的行为适应、生理适应和进化适应机制以及气候变化对害虫种群动态的影响机制。夜间暖化对昆虫新影响的发现挑战了Kaufman effect,被选入Faculty of 1000 Premier论文。通过定向选择和同质园试验、田间气候模拟试验和全球数据分析,揭示了麦蚜优势种变迁的生态和进化机制,发表在领域著名期刊Global Change BiologyFunctional Ecology。近来受邀在昆虫学顶级期刊Annual Review of Entomology发表文章,系统阐明了昆虫在极端气候下的生存策略并指明了该领域未来方向。是我国昆虫学者在生态学主流期刊上发表文章最活跃的研究组之一。这些研究为我国昆虫气候变化生态学和预测学的研究奠定了基石,与国际一流实验室开展密切交流合作,提升了我国气候变化生态学和昆虫生态学在国际上的地位。在农业部领导下,筹备组建了国家植物保护数据中心,系统制订了重大病虫害观测指标体系、标准化观测运行规范,产生了首批数据。针对果树病虫害识别难的问题,在最后1厘米处下功夫,重点开发了基于种植者自然思维的便捷识别系统,基于智能深度学习的果树健康诊断系统。揭示了气候通过调节滞育影响春季种群的机制。开发了基于趋光节律的天敌友好型灯光诱杀技术等系列果树绿色防控技术。主持承担“国家自然基金重点国际合作项目”、“863”和农业行业专项、国家自然基金面上项目等课题;开发出农业害虫种群预测通用模型、病虫害测报网络数据库、小麦及苹果病虫害远程诊断等病虫害预测软件10余套(软件著作权);发表研究论文100余篇。




1、Zhu L, Hoffmann AA, Li SM, Ma CS* (2021). Extreme climate shifts pest dominance hierarchy through thermal evolution and transgenerational plasticity. Functional Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13774

2、Ma CS*, Ma G, Pincebourde S. (2021). Survive a Warming Climate: Insect Responses to Extreme High Temperatures. Annual Review of Entomology, 66: 163-184.

3、Xue Q, Ma CS* (2020). Aged virgin adults respond to extreme heat events with phenotypic plasticity in an invasive species, Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Insect Physiology, 121: 104016.

4、Bai CM, Ma, G*, Cai WZ and Ma CS* (2019). Independent and combined effects of daytime heat stress and night-time recovery determine thermal performance. Biology Open 8: bio038141.

5、Zhao F, Xing K, Hoffmann AA and Ma CS* (2019). The importance of timing of heat events for predicting the dynamics of aphid pest populations. Pest Management Science 75: 1866–1874

6、Xing K, Hoffmann AA, Zhao F*, Ma CS* (2019) Wide diurnal temperature variation inhibits larval development and adult reproduction in the diamondback moth. Journal of Thermal Biology, 84: 8-15.

7、Xue Q, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed, Zhang W, Ma CS* (2019). Adaptation of Drosophila species to climate change - A literature review since 2003 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019 18(4): 805–814.

8、Chen YY, Zhang W, Ma G, Ma CS* (2019). More stressful event does not always depress subsequent life performance. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(10): 2321–2329

9、Zhu L, Wang L, Ma CS* (2019). Sporadic short temperature events cannot be neglected in predicting impacts of climate change on small insects. Journal of Insect Physiology 112: 48–56.

10、Ma CS*, Lin Wang, Zhang W, Volker H. W. Rudolf (2018) Resolving biological impacts of multiple heat waves: interaction of hot and recovery days. Oikos, 127: 622–633.

11、Ma G, Bai CM, Wang XJ, Majeed Muhammad Z, Ma CS* (2018) Behavioural thermoregulation alters microhabitat utilization and demographic rates in ectothermic invertebrates. Animal Behaviour, 142: 49-57.

12、Yin WD, Hoffmann AA, Gu XB, Ma CS* (2018) Behavioral thermoregulation in a small herbivore avoids direct UVB damage. Journal of Insect Physiology, 107: 276–283.

13、Ma G, Tian BL, Zhao F, Wei GS, Hoffmann AA, Ma CS* (2017) Soil moisture conditions determine phenology and success of larval escape in the peach fruit moth, Carposina sasakii (Lepidoptera, Carposinidae): implications for predicting drought effects on a diapausing insect. Applied Soil Ecology 110: 65-72.

14、Zhang B, Peng Y, Zheng JC, Liang LN, Hoffmann AA, Ma CS* (2016) Response of heat shock protein genes of the oriental fruit moth under diapause and thermal stress reveals multiple patterns dependent on the nature of stress exposure. Cell Stress and Chaperones 21:653-663.

15、Zhang B, Peng Y, Zhao XJ, Hoffmann AA, Li R, Ma CS* (2016) Emergence of the overwintering generation of peach fruit moth (Carposina sasakii) depends on diapause and spring soil temperatures. Journal of Insect Physiology 86: 32-39.

16、Zhang W, Rudolf, V, Ma CS* (2015) Stage-specific heat effects: timing and duration of heat waves alter demographic rates of a global insect pest. Oecologia 179:947-957.

17、Ma G, Rudolf V, Ma CS* (2015) Extreme temperature events alter demographic rates, relative fitness, and community structure. Global Change Biology 21: 1794-1808.

18、Zhang W, Chang XQ, Hoffmann AA, Zhang S, Ma CS* (2015) Impact of hot events at different developmental stages of a moth: the closer to adult stage, the less reproductive output. Scientific Reports 5: 10436.

19、Ma G, Hoffmann AA, Ma CS* (2015) Daily temperature extremes play an important role in predicting thermal effects. Journal of Experimental Biology 218(14): 2289-2296.

20、Zhao F, Zhang W, Hoffmann AA, Ma CS*. 2014. Night warming on hot days produces novel impacts on development, survival and reproduction in a small arthropod. Journal of Animal Ecology. 83: 769-778.