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       点击数: 次      发布时间:2017-12-12


      宁约瑟主要从事从事水稻-稻瘟菌互作和水稻抗病性遗传学研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金等4项课题,以稻瘟菌效应蛋白致病机制和水稻寄主抗病机制研究为切入点,解析水稻-稻瘟菌互作分子机制并取得重要进展,为创制新的病害防控策略奠定了重要基础。研究结果先后发表SCI收录论文25篇,累计影响因子166.043,总被引频次566次。其中,以第一作者/共同第一作者/共同通讯作者在Trends in Plant Science、PNAS、Current Biology、The Plant Cell和PLoS Pathogens等杂志发表高水平SCI论文10篇,累计SCI影响因子80.705。获得国家发明专利1项,排名第一。受邀在美国植物病理学会年会(2017 American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting)、水稻功能基因组国际研讨会(2017 International Symposium of Rice Functional Genomics)和全国植物生物学大会等国内外学术会议上做特邀报告十余次。2013年获得湖南省优秀博士论文称号;2015年12月入选中国科协首批“青年人才托举工程”项目;2017年10月入选中国农科院“科研英才培育计划”。
E-mail: ysning@ippcaas.cn;ningyuese@caas.cn
Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuese_Ning

1  Ning YS., WangGuo-Liang (*). Breeding plant broad-spectrum resistance without yield penalties. PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1801235115, 2018(IF5=10.414)
2  Shi XT., Long Y., He F., Zhang CY., Wang RY., Zhang T., Wu W., Hao ZY., Wang Y(*)., Wang GL(*).,Ning YS (*). The fungal pathogen Magnaportheoryzaesuppresses innate immunity by modulating a host potassium channel. PLoS Pathogens. 14(1):e1006878, 2018(IF5=7.456)
3  Ning YS., Liu WD(*) and Wang GL(*). Balancing Immunity and Yield in Crop Plants. Trends in Plant Science. 22(12): 1069-1079, 2017(IF5=13.442)
4  Liu QE (#).,Ning YS (#)., Zhang Y(#), Yu N, Zhao C, Zhan X, Wu W, Chen D, Wei X, Wang GL(*), Cheng S(*), Cao L(*). OsCUL3a Negatively Regulates Cell Death and Immunity byDegrading OsNPR1 in Rice. The Plant Cell. 29(2): 345-359, 2017(IF5=9.975)
5  Wang RY (#).,Ning YS (#)., Shi XT., He F., Zhang CY., Fan JB., Jiang N., Zhang Y., Zhang T., Hu YJ., Bellizzi M and Wang GL(*). Immunity to Rice Blast Disease by Suppression of Effector-Triggered Necrosis. Current Biology. 26: 2399–2411, 2016(IF5=9.704)
6Ning YS (#)., Wang RY (#)., Shi XT., Zhou XP., and Wang GL(*). A Layered Defense Strategy Mediated by Rice E3 Ubiquitin Ligases against Diverse Pathogens. Molecular Plant. 9: 1096–1098, 2016(IF5=7.429)
7  He F, Chen SB, Ning YS(*) and Wang GL(*). Rice (Oryza sativa) Protoplast Isolation and Its Application for Transient Expression Analysis. Current Protocols in Plant Biology. 1:373-383, 2016
8Ning YS (#), Shi XT(#), Wang RY(#), Fan JB, Park CH, Zhang CY, Zhang T, Ouyang XH, Li SG, Wang GL(*). OsELF3-2, an ortholog of Arabidopsis ELF3, interacts with the E3 ligase APIP6 and negatively regulates immunity against Magnaportheoryzae in rice. Molecular Plant.8:1679-1682, 2015(IF5=7.429)
9  Zhang H, Liu JL, He F, Wang ZL, Ning YS (*), Wang GL(*). OsHUB1 and OsHUB2 interact with SPIN6 and form homo- and hetero-dimers in rice. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 10:8, e1039212, 2015
10  Liu JL(#), Li W(#), Ning YS(#), Shirsekar G, CaiYH,Wang XL, Dai LY, Wang ZL, Liu WD Wang GL(*). The U-box E3 Ligase SPL11/PUB13 Is a Convergence Point of Defense and Flowering Signaling in Plants. Plant Physiology.160:28-37, 2012(IF5=7.428)
11  Ning YS, Jantasuriyarat Chat, Zhao QZ, Zhang HW, Chen SB, Liu J, Liu LJ, Tang SY, Park C, Liu XL, Dai LY, Xie Q(*), Wang GL(*). The SINA E3 ligase OsDIS1 Negatively Regulates Drought Response in Rice. Plant Physiology.157:242-255, 2011(IF5=7.428)
12  Ning YS, Xie Q(*), Wang GL(*). OsDIS1-mediated stress response pathway in rice, Plant Signaling & Behavior.6:1684-1686, 2011